Friday 21 December 2012

What makes a good Story?(Todorov's structure)

Todorov believed that every story has a 5 stage narrative structure to it.

Stage 1: Equilibrium, this is what is 'normal' life for the characters, what they do on a day to day basis.

Stage 2: Disruption, this is something that causes a disruption in the characters 'normal' life.

Stage 3: Recognition, this is when the characters realise what the disruption in there lives is and they plan to resolve the issue.

Stage 4: Repair, this is when action is taken by the characters to resolve the Disruption.

Stage 5: Return, this when the characters return to the equilibrium, 'normal' life is restored or they establish a new normality.

Example 1: 'Finding Nemo'(click here to view trailer)

Equilibrium: 'Marlin'(Nemos' dad, fish) is very anxious about 'Nemo 'being independent, 'Nemo' is embarrassed of his Dad.

Disruption: 'Nemo' gets caught by human divers and is taken away.

Recognition: 'Marlin realises 'Nemo' is lost, he panics and then decides to search for his son; meanwhile 'Nemo' realises he is captive and plans his escape back to the ocean.

Repair: 'Marlin' puts his plan into action and swims across the ocean to find his son, he finds Nemo.

Return: 'Marlin' and 'Nemo' are reunited, they return to their home. 'Marlin' is now less anxious and allows 'Nemo' to be more independent, 'Nemo' is no longer embarrassed of his father, instead he sees him as a Hero.

Example 2: 'Immortals'(click here to view trailer)

Equilibrium: 'Theseus' is living his normal life as a peasant with his mother, they live in a small village in Greece.

Disruption: 'Theseus' mum is murdered, his village is destroyed, others in his community are killed however he is held captive and accepts defeat.

Recognition: 'The Oracle' saves him as she see's him in a vision, after escape captivity, they plan to stop the evil King from releasing the Titans.

Repair: They confront the King, however he manages to release the Titans, The Gods come down from heaven to aid 'Theseus', They fight the Titans and stop them from being released into the Mortal World. 'Theseus' Kills the Evil King.

Return: 'Theseus' dies as a Hero and  is given a place in Heaven as an immortal, He is also gifted with a Son. The Son lives on earth with his mother 'The Oracle' While 'Theseus' is up in the heavens fighting the war against 'The Titans'.

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