Saturday 8 December 2012

Film Concept Development

 Individual concept

My group and I decided not to use my concept as none of us were intrigued by it so we decided to work together to come with a completely different concept.

Group concept development
We decided we wanted to do a horror movie and came up with a number of different ideas for this. First we thought of doing a movie about demons and demonic possessions. However, there are already a lot of movies out that have a similar concept. As we wanted to something more original. we decided to think again. I then came up with idea of following the life of a priest who goes out and performs exorcisms on possessed people regularly. We could show how this 'job' or 'duty' effects his life and the risks and troubles he goes through facing these evil demons. But my group members weren't keen on the idea so we came up with another one.

Final Concept
After a long discussion we came to an agreement of this concept.
A hypnotist, hypnotizes a university student, the student begins to act in strange ways while he's asleep but he never realizes what he's done. The genre of this movie will be thriller/horror. The main target audience will be 15-25 year old's as the main character is a young adult so we want to target an audience of a similar age group as they would be able to relate to the character in some ways. We had some inspirations for this Film concept from the Scream movies as they also involve a serial killer, so we took the idea of the a serial killer and tweaked it to make them the victim instead of the villain which is one of the unique selling points of our film concept. Another unique selling point was that there aren't many movies that come to mind involving a hypnotist. We all thought this was a good concept idea so we decided to ask some people outside of our group what they thought of our film concept.

Here's what we found...

After our audience research we decided to keep our Final Film concept the same.

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