Wednesday 30 January 2013

Individual Edit + Feedback

My Edit


What was good?
  • There as good continuity, the shots flowed well as the editing was good.
  • Some Enigmas were created. 'Who was the girl with blood on her clothes?'
  • There was a Variety of shots.
  • Effective use of costume to fit Horror genre.

What needs to be improved?
  • There was no music, music could be used effectively to help build up tension.
  • Needs more horror, the clip only made the audience scared or jump in fright a little.
  • There was noise in the background that shouldn't have been there.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Risk assessment

Some of the things we had to look out for were:
  • Make sure to ask permission from the property owner to film there, and use there location in our video.
  • We had to make sure we didn't create a safety hazard, for example we were splashing water in the bathroom, if it fell on the tiles someone could slip and hurt them selves.
  • Make sure all wires are kept to a side as we could trip on them.
  • When filming in public areas we had to make sure were not in anyone's way and not to leave our equipment unattended.
  • Be careful when filming near roads, be aware of moving cars.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Story Board And Shot List

Shot List
1. Company Brand/ Production name.
2. Close up of Bobs alarm clock.
3. Same close up of his arm turning off the alarm clock.
4. His arm still near the alarm clock and phone rings.
5. Establishing shot of his bedroom, while under the covers and on the phone.
6. Close up of wall behind the bed – producers name etc comes up.
7. Medium shot of the camera moving down to headboard and of him under the covers.
8. Point of view as he lifts off the covers and blurry vision of the ceiling.
9. Point of view of him putting his slippers on.
10. Medium shot of his back walking towards the bathroom.
11. 2 Match on action shots from bedroom to corridor and from corridor to bathroom.
12. Establishing shot of him in the bathroom with the door closed.
13. Point of view of  him looking the mirror.
14. Point of view of him looking down at his hands and sees blood.
15. Tries to wash out blood.
16. Medium shot of him panicking, no blood.
17. Point of view of him looking in the mirror, no blood in the reflection.
18. Close up shot of  him washing his face and then drying.
19. Background changes to bedroom.
20. Close up shot of him getting ready.
21. Match on action, leaving bedroom.
22. Medium shot of him running down the stairs.
23. Match on action of him going out the door and locking the door.
24. Medium shot of him turning half way.
25. Point of view of a a dead looking man outside his house.
26. Close up of facial expression and keys drop.
27. Point of view, looks at keys – blur for a second and then goes clear.
28. Point of view, looks up.
29. Establishing shot of him walking down the road.
30. Medium shot of a crowd of people, tries to push through to front.
31. Point of view of traffic lights, cars and fades into a blur.  
32. Point of view of him blinking to get his vision back and looks at girl wrapped around lamppost.
33. Medium shot of him running towards the lamppost.
34. Point of view, blurry vision starts to fade.
35. Close up of someone bumping into her, becomes distracted.
36. Point of view of the girl that has disappeared.
37. Crane shot of him looking around, walks into the station.
38. Background changes and he waits for train.
39. Long shot of train approaching the platform
40. Medium shot of him getting onto the train and she sits down.
41. Medium shot of him putting his headphones, train leaves.
42. Point of view of dead body flashing opposite him.
43. Point of view of him, scared as he looks around for people but they have disappeared.
44. Close up of his eyes.
45. Flashback of a knife.
46. Medium shot of no dead body and people on the train.
47. Medium shot of him running towards the door.
48. Point of view of him pressing the button frantically (double vision).
49. Medium shot of him pressing the button.
50. Match on action of him running out, pushing through the crowd.
51. Medium shot of him bumping into the hypnotist.
52. Point of view of him heavy breathing, looks up and sees hypnotist.
53. Medium shot of hypnotist leaving on train.

Story Board