Sunday 25 November 2012

Film Concepts

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

The Concept of this Movie is, a teenager, Darren Shan, meets a mysterious man at a freak show who happens to be a vampire. After a series of extraordinary events Darran has to leave his life as a human and learn to live the life of a vampire.

The Genre of this movie is Action Adventure Fantasy. This is because it fulfills conventions from these genres. We can tell its an Action Adventure movie from the fast paced fighting scenes that take place along with the fast paced music and the main characters abilities to endure high levels of pain without dying. For example in this scene we see the fight between Mr. Crepsly and Murlough, the fight is very fast paced and the music to go with it is also fast paced and tense. A fight like this would leave a normal dead however these 2 characters continue fighting and ignoring there injuries. This is typically seen in movies from the Action Adventure Genre.

Its also fits the Fantasy Genre as we see some of the characters have supernatural powers. For example the vampires have the ability to 'Flint' Which is traveling at a very fast speed from one place to another in a few minutes whereas it would take a normal person hours to get to. They also have super spit which allows them to heal wounds instantly. As well as the characters at the cirque that would only be seen in a fantasy world, For example the Bearded lady, Monkey Girl and Wolf man. All mystical characters that fit the fantasy Genre.

The unique selling point here was that this movie is about vampires that are fighting each other, two separated groups of vampires fighting each other, this is unique as there hasn't been another movie like this. Some of the characters in the cirque are also very unique like the 'snake-boy' 'Evra Von', Corma Limbs who has detachable limbs and is able to grow them back at will. The plot line is also unique as there's not a lot of movies about a young vampire like Darran and teenagers will be able to relate to him.

It has some of 'Propp's narratemes' too, For example Darran has to leave his family and home and his normal life, The victim in this movie would be Steve Leonard as he is taken in by deception and helps the villain Murlough as he feels Darran betrayed him. The villain Murlough causes harm to Darrans Family and friends by kidnapping them. Hero is pursued, When Murlough chases Darran and Mr. Crepsly. The Main fight scene when Mr. Crepsly and Murlough have there fight to the death, resulting in Murloughs Death but he is turned into a 'little person'.

In Time(2011)




In Time is set in a future where people stop aging at 25, but are engineered to live only one more year, having to work to earn more time. Here, Will Salas finds himself accused of murder and on the run with a hostage and decides to fight against the system that controls there lives.

This is an Action movie as there's a lot of fighting, fire fights and chase scenes throughout the movie so we can tell its of the action genre. Whats unique about this story is the use of time as currency, the people in this fictional world have to use time to pay bills and buy food everyday in there lives, they live off time, if they run out they just. Whats similar is that 'Will Salas' seems like a futuristic 'Robin Hood'. This is because like 'Robin Hood', 'Will Salas' steals time(money) from the Rich and gives it all out to the poor to give them a chance to live . Keeping none for himself. Fighting the rich to help the poor.

In time includes some Propps narratemes, Will leaves home, his normal life is disrupted, He's then tested, interrogated and attacked, Hero Fights back, Hero finds what hes searching for him, Hero and villain fight, Villain is defeated, Hero Is pursued, Task is resolved. All these narratems take place in this movie.